85 Powerful Affirmations To Release Negative Energy

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Our thoughts and emotions hold a tremendous amount of energy and have the power to shape our lives. But, all too often, we fall into negative patterns of thinking that drain our energy and hold us back. The good news is, we have the ability to shift this energy and harness the power of positivity through affirmations.

In this blog post, we will explore the power of affirmations and how they can help release negative energy, leaving you feeling empowered and inspired. So, let’s get started on this journey of transformation, because, as women, we are powerful, capable, and deserving of a life filled with joy and abundance!

inner peace

Table of Contents

What Are Affirmations And How Can They Help You Let Go Of Negative Thoughts?

Affirmations are positive statements or declarations that are used to challenge and overcome negative thoughts and beliefs. They are designed to influence a person’s subconscious mind and to promote positive change in their thinking and behavior. By repeating affirmations regularly, they can help to counteract negative self-talk and cultivate a more positive outlook. This, in turn, can lead to an improvement in overall well-being, confidence, and success in various areas of life.

For example, if a person has a negative belief about themselves such as “I am not good enough,” they can use an affirmation like “I am deserving of love, respect, and success” to counteract that thought and replace it with a more positive and empowering one.

Using affirmations as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement can be a highly effective way to release negative energy, toxic bonds, and to reclaim power. It provides individuals with the opportunity to take control of their thoughts and to create a more positive and fulfilling reality for themselves.

negative energy

List of Positive Affirmations to Release Negative Energy

  1. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  2. I release negative energy and embrace positivity.
  3. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  4. I am strong and capable.
  5. I choose to focus on the good in my life.
  6. I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life.
  7. I let go of toxic bonds and relationships.
  8. I am confident in my abilities and decisions.
  9. I am deserving of peace and tranquility.
  10. I am filled with joy and gratitude.
  11. I am surrounded by love and support.
  12. I trust in my own journey.
  13. I am worthy of success and achievement.
  14. I am grateful for all of my experiences, both positive and negative.
  15. I let go of fear and embrace courage.
  16. I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.
  17. I am worthy of forgiveness, both from others and myself.
  18. I choose to focus on growth and self-improvement.
  19. I am deserving of a fulfilling life.
  20. I am at peace with my past and embrace my future.
  21. I am empowered to make my own choices.
  22. I am strong, confident, and resilient.
  23. I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
  24. I am filled with positive energy and vitality.
  25. I am grateful for my unique qualities and strengths.
  26. I am worthy of respect and love.
  27. I choose to live in the present moment.
  28. I am open to new opportunities and growth.
  29. I let go of negative self-talk and embrace self-love.
  30. I am deserving of happiness and success.
  31. I am in control of my destiny.
  32. I am worthy of a fulfilling career and financial stability.
  33. I am surrounded by positive relationships.
  34. I am filled with hope and optimism.
  35. I am grateful for my journey and the lessons learned.
  36. I am deserving of a healthy mind, body, and soul.
  37. I choose to focus on the present and not dwell on the past.
  38. I am open to change and growth.
  39. I let go of anger and embrace forgiveness.
  40. I am deserving of a life filled with purpose and meaning.
  41. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  42. I am worthy of a happy and healthy relationship.
  43. I am surrounded by positivity and kindness.
  44. I am filled with inspiration and creativity.
  45. I am grateful for my support system and the people in my life.
  46. I am deserving of inner peace and contentment.
  47. I choose to focus on personal growth and self-awareness.
  48. I am open to love and relationships.
  49. I let go of stress and embrace relaxation.
  50. I am deserving of a life filled with abundance and prosperity.
  51. I am capable of overcoming challenges and hardships.
  52. I am worthy of a fulfilling spiritual life.
  53. I am surrounded by beauty and wonder.
  54. I am filled with joy and laughter.
  55. I am grateful for my life and all its blessings.
  56. I am deserving of a successful and fulfilling career.
  57. I choose to focus on gratitude and positivity.
  58. I am open to new experiences and adventures.
  59. I let go of self-doubt and embrace self-confidence.
  60. I am deserving of a life filled with love and happiness.
  61. I am capable of creating the life I desire.
  62. I am worthy of respect and kindness.
  63. I am surrounded by peace and harmony.
  64. I am filled with energy and motivation.
  65. I am grateful for the power of affirmations in my life.
  66. I am deserving of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
  67. I choose to focus on growth and self-improvement.
  68. I am open to forgiveness and understanding.
  69. I let go of worries and embrace peace of mind.
  70. I am deserving of a life filled with success and fulfillment.
  71. I am capable of realizing my full potential.
  72. I am worthy of a positive and supportive environment.
  73. I am surrounded by positive influences and role models.
  74. I am filled with courage and determination.
  75. I am grateful for my unique talents and abilities.
  76. I am deserving of a life filled with joy and happiness.
  77. I choose to focus on the beauty of life.
  78. I am open to new perspectives and growth.
  79. I let go of negative patterns and embrace positive habits.
  80. I am deserving of a life filled with love and peace.
  81. I am capable of creating a life filled with purpose and meaning.
  82. I am worthy of a life filled with opportunities and possibilities.
  83. I am surrounded by positivity and good energy.
  84. I am filled with self-love and acceptance.
  85. I am grateful for the power to transform my life through affirmations.

You can also come up with your own affirmations, using powerful statements that really speak to your own experiences and what you have been through. In fact, this is one of the best ways of harnessing the power of affirmations and releasing negative beliefs.

Add these positive affirmations to your daily routine, this daily practice doesn’t even need to be a structured thing – just let these affirmations flow through your mind and take moment to reflect on them as you go about your day. This simple act will create new neural pathways, helping to make your negative responses a thing of the past.

negative energy

Other Ways to Remove Negative Energy From Your Life

You can use all the spiritual affirmations you like (and they are powerful tools), but sometimes for best results you also need to remove negative people from your life, to preserve your own energy and peace.

Removing yourself from toxic relationships and stressful situations is the first thing you need to do, and after that you’ll be in a much better place to rebuild, and to distance yourself from the negative emotions and thought patterns of your past mistakes.

stay away from negative people

Take a deep breath and walk away, to protect your own mental health. Even your physical health can be affected by being surrounded by toxic situations, or narcissistic people, but we can take charge and take control of our own inner demons.

Our past experiences and negative experiences do not define us. Make positive changes, embrace new beliefs, and enjoy all the good things that will be coming your way now that you have cut off all the negative people and situations surrounding you, and go ahead living your best life.

Final Thoughts

Affirmations are a effective tools for personal growth and self-improvement. By repeating positive and empowering statements, you can release negative energy, overcome toxic bonds, and reclaim your power.

Whether you are looking to improve your self-esteem, boost your confidence, get in touch with your higher self, or create a more positive outlook on life, affirmations can help you achieve your goals.

By incorporating affirmations on a daily basis, you can tap into the power of the subconscious mind and create lasting change in your thoughts and behaviors.

So why not start today by repeating one of the 85 inspiring affirmations we listed in this blog post and see the transformative impact it can have on your life.

85 powerful affirmations to release negative energy

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