17 Easy Ways To Build Your Sexual Confidence

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By Luciana

Today, we’re exploring a conversation that resonates deeply with many, yet often remains in silence. It’s a journey that touches on the core of our being, manifesting in those moments of vulnerability with a new partner, during a first time, or when exploring different aspects of our sexuality.

If you’ve ever experienced even a hint of hesitation during intimate moments, or wished to walk in full embrace of your sexual identity with confidence, you are in the right place. The path to cultivating sexual confidence is deeply personal and multifaceted, including aspects of our physical selves, our mental wellness, and how we navigate the waters of sexual activity.

Sexual confidence is within reach, and I’m here to guide you through this journey with open arms, abundant love, and a sprinkle of humor—picture it as a heart-to-heart over a cup of strong black coffee with your most trusted friend.

Table of Contents

1-Understand Your Body

Getting to know and appreciate your own body is a foundational step towards sexual confidence. Explore your body in privacy, learn what pleases you, and recognize that every body is unique and capable of experiencing immense sexual pleasure.

This self-awareness fosters a deeper connection with your physical self, making you more confident during sexual encounters. Remember, familiarity with your own body not only enhances your personal sexual satisfaction but also improves your ability to communicate what you enjoy to a partner.

The journey of exploring your body is a continuous one, as desires and pleasures can evolve over time. Embrace this journey with patience and curiosity, and see it as an ongoing conversation with yourself about what makes you feel good.

2-Embrace Your Desires

Your sexual desires are a natural and healthy part of your identity. Acknowledging and accepting these desires without judgment empowers you to pursue the sexual experiences you crave.

Confident people understand that their needs and fantasies are valid, and they communicate them openly with their partners. This open embrace of your desires is crucial for finding fulfillment and satisfaction in your sexual relationships.

It’s about giving yourself permission to seek out what you want and to reject the societal shame often associated with expressing sexual needs. By doing so, you not only become more in tune with yourself but also set the stage for more authentic and gratifying sexual encounters.


Open and honest communication with your partner about your sexual needs, boundaries, and desires is crucial for a fulfilling sexual relationship. It not only ensures that both partners are on the same page but also builds trust and intimacy, leading to more satisfying sexual experiences.

This dialogue should be ongoing and evolve as your relationship and desires grow. Good communication skills can also help navigate any sexual issues that may arise, creating a stronger bond and a more resilient partnership.

Remember, being able to talk openly about sex is as much a part of sexual confidence as the physical act itself.

4-Move Forward

Past experiences, especially negative ones, can hinder your sexual confidence. Whether it’s a previous relationship, sexual performance anxiety, or other issues, it’s important to recognize that you can move past them.

Each new sexual encounter is an opportunity to create positive experiences. Learning to let go involves forgiving yourself and any former partners for past hurts, understanding that these do not define your future sexual experiences.

It’s also about recognizing patterns that may not serve you well and actively working to create new, healthier ones. Moving forward with a clear mind and heart is essential for building the sexual confidence you desire.

5-Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to sex. Educating yourself about sexual health, anatomy, and pleasure techniques can boost your confidence. Read books, attend workshops, or even consult with a sex therapist to expand your understanding and skills.

This education can demystify aspects of sex that may cause anxiety or uncertainty, allowing you to feel more prepared and informed in sexual situations.

Furthermore, understanding the wide range of sexual experiences and preferences can help you find what truly works for you, enhancing your sexual satisfaction and confidence.

6-Positive Affirmations

Incorporating positive affirmations about your sexuality into your daily routine can transform your self-perception. Replacing negative thoughts with affirmations like “I am a deserving and capable sexual partner” can significantly boost your sexual confidence.

Affirmations reinforce the positive aspects of your sexual identity and can help you navigate moments of doubt or insecurity.

By affirming your worth and capability, you not only improve your relationship with yourself but also open up to more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experiences.

  • “I am deserving of fulfilling sexual experiences that bring me joy and satisfaction.”
  • “My body is a source of endless pleasure and deserves to be celebrated.”
  • “I communicate my desires and boundaries with confidence and ease.”
  • “I am worthy of love and desire exactly as I am.”
  • “My sexual desires are natural, healthy, and an important part of my identity.”
  • “I embrace my sexuality with openness and curiosity.”
  • “Every part of me is beautiful and deserving of pleasure.”
  • “I am confident in my ability to give and receive pleasure.”
  • “I release all shame and guilt surrounding my sexuality.”
  • “My sexual journey is unique, and I navigate it with grace and strength.”

Repeating these affirmations can help shift your mindset, reduce feelings of insecurity, and promote a healthier, more positive relationship with your sexual self.

7-Be Present

Immersing yourself fully in the present during sexual activities can significantly enhance your experiences and alleviate anxieties.

This mindfulness approach encourages you to savor every touch, sensation, and emotional connection with your partner, setting aside the performance pressures and appearance concerns that plague many.

Confident women know that the best way to enjoy better sex and deepen intimate relationships is by living fully in each moment.

This mindful presence can transform how you view and engage in sexual situations, making every encounter a step towards a more sexually confident self.

8-Sex Toys

Introducing sex toys into your intimate life is not just a fun diversion; it’s a profound journey towards discovering what truly brings you pleasure.

They offer a safe space to explore your body and desires, revealing new dimensions of sexual satisfaction. For those navigating the complex terrain of body image issues or a lack of sexual confidence, these tools can be a beacon of exploration and self-discovery.

Whether you’re enjoying your own company or with a partner, sex toys can introduce you to a world where pleasure is boundless, making them a great idea for anyone looking to enhance their sexual confidence and achieve better sex.


Caring for your physical and mental well-being is fundamental to growd into a sexually confident person.

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and dedicated mental health care not only improve your body image but also bolster your mood, allowing you to feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

The journey towards embracing your sexual self takes time and nurturing; it’s about creating a lifestyle that supports your overall happiness and well-being.

By making self-care a priority, you’re investing in the most profound relationship you’ll ever have—the one with yourself.

10-Dress for Success

The way we dress can have a huge impact on our sexual confidence. Choosing outfits and lingerie that make you feel attractive, powerful, and genuinely yourself can significantly boost your self-esteem, especially in intimate settings.

This is about more than just appearances; it’s about expressing your inner sexual being and feeling good in your physical body.

Confident women understand that dressing for success isn’t just for the outside world—it’s also for those private moments when you want to feel your absolute best.

11-Sexual Health

Maintaining your sexual health is crucial for a fulfilling sex life and overall well-being. Regular check-ups, safe sex practices, and staying informed about sexual health can empower you, making you feel more in control of your sexual experiences.

This proactive approach is a testament to respecting and valuing your body, leading to a stronger foundation of sexual confidence. Confident people know that good sexual health is key to enjoying sex without undue worry, making every encounter more enjoyable and fulfilling.

12-Explore Fantasies

Allowing yourself the freedom to explore and embrace your sexual fantasies is a vital step towards sexual liberation. This exploration is a journey of self-discovery, where you learn about your desires, what excites you, and what you truly seek in romantic relationships.

It’s about breaking free from the societal constraints and negative impacts of past experiences that may have stifled your sexual expression. By exploring your fantasies, you’re taking a small step towards a great sex life that’s rich in fulfillment and devoid of inhibitions.

13-Body Language

Your body language speaks volumes about how you feel about yourself. Adopting postures that exude confidence—like making eye contact, standing tall, and moving with assurance—can actually start to shift your internal feelings, boosting your self-esteem and sexual confidence.

This is particularly important for those who’ve struggled with body image issues or a lack of sexual confidence for a long time. Changing the way you carry yourself is a powerful way to start feeling more confident in every sexual situation and in real life.


Establishing a safe space where you and your partner can openly share your desires, fears, and boundaries without fear of judgment is transformative for intimate relationships.

This level of openness fosters trust and deepens connections, making every sexual encounter more meaningful. It’s about celebrating the diversity of sexual expressions and finding common ground in the shared human experience of desire and vulnerability.

In this space, different people can find mutual understanding and respect, laying the foundation for a sexually confident and fulfilling relationship.

15-Realistic Expectations

Understanding that real-life sex is often far removed from the polished fantasies portrayed in movies or on social media is crucial.

Accepting the natural awkwardness, laughter, and imperfections of sexual encounters can alleviate a lot of pressure, allowing you to enjoy the experiences for what they are.

This realization can be liberating, especially for those who have felt pressured to perform or look a certain way. At the end of the day, good sex is about connection, pleasure, and fun, not perfection.

16-Professional Help

For those facing deep-seated issues that affect sexual confidence, seeking help from a therapist or counselor can be a game-changer.

Professional guidance can offer you strategies and support to navigate through these challenges, helping you to make positive changes in your sexual life.

Whether it’s dealing with the aftermath of a sexless marriage, sexual dysfunctions, or emotional blockages, there’s strength in seeking help. Remember, reaching out is a sign of courage and the first step towards healing and reclaiming your sexual confidence.


Every step you take towards becoming a more sexually confident woman is a cause for celebration. Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small, and allow yourself to feel proud of the strides you’ve made.

This positive reinforcement is crucial for sustained growth and confidence-building. Remember, the journey to sexual confidence is ongoing, and each small step is a victory in its own right, leading you closer to a life of enriched sexual fulfillment and self-assurance.

By integrating these practices into your life, you’re not just working towards a more sexually confident self; you’re also cultivating a lifestyle that values pleasure, wellness, and genuine connections.

Embrace this journey with openness, patience, and kindness towards yourself, and watch as your life transforms in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.

Final Thoughts

This exploration is not just about sexual activity; it’s about redefining our relationship with our bodies, breaking down the barriers imposed by societal expectations, and rewriting the script of our internal dialogues.

For women, both younger and older, this might mean challenging the stereotypical notions of body type and beauty, affirming that sexual confidence is not reserved for a specific age or physique.

It’s about recognizing that every person’s path, whether it involves overcoming the challenges of a marriage, navigating the dating scene for the first time in a long while, or learning to appreciate one’s body in new and loving ways, is valid and worthy of celebration.

Incorporating new elements into our intimate lives can be a great way to boost sexual self-esteem. This could range from discovering favorite finds like a great book on sexuality, experimenting with essential oils for a sensual experience, or even exploring the types of love. Each of these steps can be a building block towards becoming more in tune with our desires and comfortable in expressing them.

Finding the right person to share these experiences with can feel like searching for a hidden treasure in an Alaskan cave, yet the journey itself is rich with opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

It’s a good idea to invest time in understanding what sexual confidence looks like for you personally, recognizing that it may involve a series of small, yet worthwhile changes over an extended amount of time. Remember, the goal is not just about achieving moments of sexual arousal but nurturing a holistic sense of well-being and connection with oneself and others.

It’s essential to surround ourselves with the strongest support system possible. This might mean seeking guidance from a marriage life coach, engaging in candid discussions with friends, or finding inspiration in the living spaces of millennial women that reflect their identity and values.

Music, art, and literature can serve as suitable means for reflection and inspiration, helping to enrich our personal experience and understanding of intimacy at different levels.

So, let’s take a deep breath together, ready to embrace the adventure ahead with curiosity and openness.

With each step, we’re not just seeking sexual confidence; we’re striving for a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

It’s a testament to the power of love in its many forms, a sacred promise we make to ourselves to live fully, love deeply, and explore our sexual beings with joy and confidence.

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